Electrolytic Plasma Polishing Machines for Stainless Steel (EPP)

Plasma electrolytic polishing equipment is usually used for polishing stainless steel to a mirror finish. In the plasma polishing process removed a few microns of metal, resulting in the observed gloss, deburring, descaling after welding, blunting of sharp edges and improve the surface quality of the original 2-3 classes.
Unlike the electrochemical polishing the plasma polishing process takes place in solution of inorganic salts that ecologically safe and does not require any special treatment facilities. After polishing, the items must be washed in warm - cold water from the salts. It is necessary to have a bath (from plastic or metal).
Why Technology & Supply?
Environmentally friendly
High quality
Application EPP
Specifications electrolytic plasma polishing machine

- Productivity, dm2 / cycle - 1-100.
- Cycle time, min - 1-10.
- Transformer power, kW * A - 6-630.
- The area occupied by the equipment, m2 - 4.
For working EPP necessary:
- Three phase 380 V, 50 Hz.
- Running tap water or water recycling system.
- Compressed air.
- Exhaust ventilation.
Special foundation to accommodate the plasma polishing machine is not required.
Time manufacturing electrolytic polishing equipment 2.5 - 3.5 months.
Warranty - 12 months.
Cost of finishing products for example "EPP-250" you'll be able to calculate the following indicators:
- Power 250 kW*A per hour. At the beginning process of power 6 kW/h per 1 dm2. After 1-2 minutes power drops on 15% (as reduced roughness) - about 5 kW/h per 1 dm2.
- The cost of the electrolyte about 100-150 dollars per filling the bath. The duration of a refueling 2 weeks.
- The area occupied by the machine of 6 m2, with a service area 10 m2.
- Equipment capacity 45 dm2 in the cycle. Cycle time usually 5 minutes.
- Attendants two people. One operator and one working on preparation of items for polishing. Most often, one person copes - it depends on the complexity of the geometry of theitems.
- Flow of process water supplied to the plant - not more than 0.3 m3 / hour.
- Compressed air consumption - no more than 0.3 m3 / hour.
Composition of plasma polishing equipment

Working bath with a treatment solution, mechanism lifting - lowering and protective casing, technological tools, pneumatics - hydraulics.
Transformer for special applications.
Rack power and control, which allows to carry out the process in an automatic mode with the help of Siemens controller.
How it is working?
Base models of "EPP" for polishing stainless steel were supplied to Russia, Ukraine, China, Turkey:
"EPP-16", power 16 kW, which allows polishing in one cycle the products with a total area of up to 3 dm2. The cycle time of 3-8 minutes, depending on the task and roughness, deburring 1-3 minutes. Manual control mode.
"EPP-25", power 25 kW, which allows polishing in one cycle the products with a total area of up to 5 dm2. The cycle time of 3-8 minutes, depending on the task and roughness, deburring 1-3 minutes. Manual control mode.
"EPP-40", power 40 kW, which allows polishing in one cycle the products with a total area of up to 7 dm2. The cycle time of 3-8 minutes, depending on the task and roughness, deburring 1-3 minutes. Manual control mode.
"EPP-60", power 60 kW, which allows polishing in one cycle the products with a total area of up to 11 dm2. The cycle time of 3-8 minutes, depending on the task and roughness, deburring 1-3 minutes. Manual control mode.
"EPP-100", power 100 kW, which allows polishing in one cycle the products with a total area of up to 17 dm2. The cycle time of 3-8 minutes, depending on the task and roughness, deburring 1-3 minutes. Automatic control mode.
"EPP-160", power 160 kW, which allows polishing in one cycle the products with a total area of up to 30 dm2. The cycle time of 3-8 minutes, depending on the task and roughness, deburring 1-3 minutes. Automatic control mode.
"EPP-250", power 250 kW, which allows polishing in one cycle the products with a total area of up to 45 dm2. The cycle time of 3-8 minutes, depending on the task and roughness, deburring 1-3 minutes. Automatic control mode.
"EPP-400", power 400 kW, which allows polishing in one cycle the products with a total area of up to 70 dm2. The cycle time of 3-8 minutes, depending on the task and roughness, deburring 1-3 minutes. Automatic control mode.
"EPP-630", power 630 kW, which allows polishing in one cycle the products with a total area of up to 110 dm2. The cycle time of 3-8 minutes, depending on the task and roughness, deburring 1-3 minutes. Automatic control mode.
Base models of "EPP" for polishing stainless steel were supplied to Russia, South Korea, Ukraine, China, Turkey, Republic of Belarus, India, Poland (see below for a list of our clients).
For the correct choice of plasma polishing equipment of the required power, please inform:
- Dimensions of processed products (it is desirable to send us a drawing, sketch or photographs of products)?
- What material are the products made from?
- What result do you need to get from the electrolytic plasma polishing process: a mirror surface, dulling sharp edges, removing burrs, scales, cleaning welds, etc.?
- How many products need to be polished in one shift, how many shifts?
Production time is 60-90 days.
For example, for polishing a part with an area of 10 dm2, the UPP-60 unit with a power of 63 kW is suitable.
The average power consumption for 5 minutes of electrolytic plasma polishing of 1 dm2 of stainless steel is 0.5 kW/dm2.
The process of plasma polishing of stainless steels is ecologically safe, polishing takes place in a safe solution of inorganic salts.
The warranty is 12 months from launch or 18 months from shipment. After the end of the warranty period, we contact the Customer, provide free remote consultation.